He has raised his children to be as bad as he is, resulting in his son, Zuko, becoming a "Well Done, Son" Guy whose face he horrifically scarred for talking back to him, and his daughter, Azula, a very powerful Daddy's Little Villain whose perfectionism and inability to socialize eventually lead to her having a Villainous Breakdown.

The father, Ozai, is the Big Bad of the series and an Omnicidal Maniac warlord who's continuing his family's policy of active genocide across the entire planet. The grandfather, Azulon, was a brutal tyrant who told his younger son to murder his grandson as punishment for mocking the death of his another grandson, Lu Ten. The great-grandfather, Sozin, was an idealistic man who started a war he ended up regretting at the end of his life, which included the murder of his best friend, Avatar Roku, and the near-complete genocide of the entire Air Nomads.